Coming soon: a listing of some of our books.  Most of them will be in our warehouse but others are in the store.  If you see a book or books you are interested in, please call or send an email to We can get them out of the warehouse with a couple of days notice and have them priced for you.  Initially the listing will be about 1200 books but as we are able to inventory books in the warehouse we will update the list here.   Copper Cat Book List


Partial Book List


Simon is a recent addition to the the Copper Cat's Family.  He is in once in a while as he get accustomed to his new home.  We want Simon to feel as comfortable in the store as we and you do.  If you stop by and he is here we will have a sign in the door:  Cat is in the store today.   We do this for two reasons we want our customers to:  1)  Be aware he is here so be careful when entering and exiting so Simon does not make an escape.  2)  Allergy sufferers know he is in and if they come in and let us know of their allergy we will make sure Simon is kept with us in the check out area so he does not rub up against them.



this is a test listing of books sorted by location


Join us Saturday and Sunday for our anniversary celebration.   Local Authors and artists in from 11AM-5PM both days; see our “Events” page for a schedule of Author and Artists appearance times.